Quotes On-Line   

This site will allow you to Search inventory and request Quotes from CBM's list of over 10,500 new and refurbished Telecommunications and Networking parts and equipment.

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Personal  Account


Our product list includes with the latest in current technologies from Cisco, MRV, Cyclades, and Datatek. The database also includes legacy equipment from Lucent and AT&T (Datakit®, BNS2000®, and more) and also includes over 4000 parts for patch panels, cables, and connectors.

Additionally, you can search our database by vendor, functional usage, or part numbers; even COMM Codes, CLEI Numbers, and OEM part numbers.

Be sure to apply for your personal account to allow you access to this treasure chest of Networking information. (Please be assured that your e-mail address will only be used for this purpose, and never for spam.)


Using Legacy Equipment?

Be sure to read our:

Statement of
Continued Commitment


    (800)881-8202 Voice
    (954)360-0682 Fax




We're Sorry

This feature of the CBMUSA On-Line Quote website is limited to registered users. Please select the LOGIN link above, or you may:

Registering with CBMUSA On-Line Quotes will allow access to our database and search engine to facilitate finding and purchasing the the Networking equipment you require.

If you choose not to register, please feel free to explore and enjoy your visit.

CBM of America, Inc.


Quotes On-Line   

This site will allow you to Search inventory and request Quotes from CBM's list of over 10,500 new and refurbished Telecommunications and Networking parts and equipment.

Get  Your

Personal  Account


Our product list includes with the latest in current technologies from Cisco, MRV, Cyclades, and Datatek. The database also includes legacy equipment from Lucent and AT&T (Datakit®, BNS2000®, and more) and also includes over 4000 parts for patch panels, cables, and connectors.

Additionally, you can search our database by vendor, functional usage, or part numbers; even COMM Codes, CLEI Numbers, and OEM part numbers.

Be sure to apply for your personal account to allow you access to this treasure chest of Networking information. (Please be assured that your e-mail address will only be used for this purpose, and never for spam.)


Using Legacy Equipment?

Be sure to read our:

Statement of
Continued Commitment


    (800)881-8202 Voice
    (954)360-0682 Fax




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CBM Part Number:




    Please adjust quantity and transaction type if necessary,
    then click on Update Cart.

    (A zero value removes from the cart.)


