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Our product list includes with the latest in current technologies from Cisco, MRV, Cyclades, and Datatek. The database also includes legacy equipment from Lucent and AT&T (Datakit®, BNS2000®, and more) and also includes over 4000 parts for patch panels, cables, and connectors.

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    Your Search
      Our search engine returned the following match(es)
      on your search for: Datakit

Look for: within Datakit

Click CBM Part Number to add to Cart
CBM Part
  Description   Alt. Part
 DKMC1D138A1  ECPU MC1D138A1 106624729  COMM:106624729 
 DKTN1009B  CPM-HS MODULE TN1009B 106733421  COMM:106733421 
 DK100-31G22  SAMDL MODULE SAM64 ED5P100-31 G-22  ALT#:ED5P100-31 G-22 
 DK100-30G162  TRUNK 64 V.35 MODULE ED5P100-30 G-162 ED3P325-30 G-143  ALT#:ED5P100-30 G-162 
 DK100-30G160  SAMML 8-RS232 MODULE ED5P100-30 G-160 ED3P325-30 G-113  ALT#:ED5P100-30 G-160 
 DK100-30G159  SAMML V.35 DTE MODULE ED5P100-30 G-159 ED3P325-30 G-114  ALT#:ED5P100-30 G-159 
 DK100-30G161  TRUNK-64 RS232 MODULE ED5P100-30 G-161 ED3P325-30 G-142  ALT#:ED5P100-30 G-161 
 DKMC1D106A1  SAMDL MODULE MC1D106A1 106259591  COMM:106259591 
 DKMC1D091A1  SAMML MC1D091A1 105520225  COMM:105520225 
 DKMC1D143A1  FRAME RELAY MC1D143A1 106745672   
 J1P186A1 L170  SHELF DATAKIT MPC15 V.35 L-8   
 DKX25PRS232  X.25P MODULE3 RS232 I/O PID # 645042524   
 DK100-30G34  SLM MODULE ED5P100-30 G-34 ED3P325-30 G-137  ALT#:ED5P100-30 G-34 
 DK100-31G7  TERM32 SAM 504 ED5P100-31 G-7  ALT#:ED5P100-31 G-7 
 DK100-30G156  MRCM MODULE ED5P100-30 G-156  ALT#:ED5P100-30 G-156 
 BNS CNA1  BNS2000 CLOCK I/O BOARD FOR M2 SHELF COMCODE 106258395  COMM:106258395 
 DKX25PV35  X.25P MODULE V.35 I/O PID # 646042523   
 DKCTS1  I/O FOR CCM MODULE W/MRCM 107701088  COMM:107701088 
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